Tennessee TN Ready/EOC Rankings and Average Proficiency

I wanted to see where my county ranked annually with other school systems in the state in terms of TN Ready/EOC proficiency. I also wanted to compare our county with other benchmark districts. Click here to access the Looker Studio.

I built this Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio) to illustrate this data. While I was at it, I also built some charts to look at proficiency over time.

I pulled the raw data from the state data downloads page here.

I used Python to concatenate the files from 2018 through 2023. I also used Python to clean the data and separate it into two different files (EOC and TN Ready). I then uploaded those files to Google Sheets for my Looker Studio.

Here is the raw TN Ready Data.
Here is the raw EOC Data.

Update: I added a spot for school ranks and average proficiency and included data up to 2022. We still do not have 2023 data for the entire state, and my local data is currently embargoed.

I will update that when it is public.